
Back the fuck up... Mug

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Cunt Mug

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Sorry for having great tits and correct opinions on everything. Mug


Not to suck my own nipple... Mug

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I'm exhausted from other people being fucking stupid. Mug

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Cuntstipated definition Mug

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If you think I'm a bitch you should meet my sister. Mug


My vocabulary at work Mug


I'm trying to stop being mean but it's like y'all have to stop being stupid first. Mug

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I wake up everyday and think what the fucking fuck. Mug

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I'm bilingual bitch I haha and jaja. Mug


I'm always forced to do shit I'm not qualified for, like being nice to fucking idiots. Mug


I don't always tolerate stupid people, but when I do, I'm probably at work. Mug

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I love the smell of no kids in the morning. Mug


I can't come to work today, because I'm sick of this shit. Mug

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Just an old hoe carrying on Mug


Shut up, I wear heels bigger than your d*ck. Mug


A wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after. Mug

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Fuck off. I mean good morning. Mug

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Ambitchous Mug

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I used to be so nice & sweet now I’m just like fuck you, fuck that, fuck everybody. Mug

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I taste better naked. Mug

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Being the family comedian, model and thug is so hard on me. Mug

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Stop telling me I look mad, that's my fucking face. Mug

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Shit i don’t have time for Mug


Let's keep the dumbfuckery to a minimum today. Mug

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My cat and I talk shit about you. Mug


I just fucking love plants. Mug


Overworked and underfucked. Mug

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Fuck The only fucking word you can use in any fucking situation and still make fucking sense. Mug

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I'm the nicest rudest most caring IDGAF person you'll ever meet. Mug

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I do care. I just don't give a fuck. Mug


Keep my cat's name out of your fucking mouth. Mug

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Asshole with feelings. Mug

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The boobs are real, the smile is fake. Mug

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I do not spew profanities, I enunciate them clearly like a fucking lady. Mug

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I get so excited about gardening that I wet my plants. Mug

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I use the word fuck to clear my throat chakra. Mug

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I want a coffee, a tattoo and a vacation. Mug

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That married by 30 shit looking real 45ish. Mug

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I did not wake up to be a weak ass bitch. Mug

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due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake. Mug

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I can keep my mouth shut, but you can read the subtitles on my face. Mug

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Ask me about my excessive knowledge of serial killers. Mug

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Just a women with a big D energy. Mug

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Dead inside but still horny. Mug


I do not have enough coffee or middle fingers for today. Mug

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Sorry I can't I'm watching serial killer documentaries. Mug

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My attitude is kinda savage but my heart is gold. Mug


This morning's coffee brought to you by "here we fucking go again" Mug

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Hello is it tea you're looking for. Mug


I'm only a bitch before I have my coffee, just kidding get the hell outta my face. Mug

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My cat is a rockstar and I'm the fucking manager. Mug

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My anxiety is chronic but this ass is iconic. Mug

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University of bad bitches. Mug

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Probably hungry. Likely sleepy. Always cold. Mug


Who else is tired from being a magical ass bitch all day. Mug

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Sorry for the mean, awful, accurate things I've said. Mug

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Please don't be rude to me because my rude will outrude your rude and I will make you cry. Mug

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A fun thing to do in the morning is not to talk to me. Mug

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Fuckoffee Mug

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I am a cute little ray of pitch black. Mug

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It's a beautiful day to leave me alone. Mug

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My mental breakdown is over. I'm a bad bitch again. Mug


Shuh duh fuh cup Mug


You can just supercalifuckilistic kissmyassadocious. Mug


I'm a strong woman, who is raising a strong girl which is why I need a strong drink. Mug


I just want my throat choked, ass grabbed and dreams supported. Mug

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Aunt. Like a mum, but way cooler. See also; drunk. Mug

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If my mouth doesn't say it, my face definitely will. Mug


As the owner of a fat ass and big heart my life should not be this difficult. Mug

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I’m not as mean as I could be and I want people to be more grateful for that. Mug

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I’m a dirty slut for things that give me acid reflux. Call me Pept-hoe Bismol. Mug

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Drink coffee because crack fucks you up. Mug


Why I’m looking so relaxed ? Well, I got fucked this morning. Mug

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Back off I have a crazy sister and I'm not afraid to use her. Mug

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I'm not feeling very worky. Mug

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I got PTSD pussy thats so delicious. Mug

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I'm in a really good place spiritually. So, please fuck off. Namaste. Mug

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My mom is that bitch and I'm that bitch jr. Mug

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Off is the direction I would like you to fuck. Mug

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Far, far away there is a land called cuntycuntcuntocunt. I am their Queen. Mug

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I'm not built for no soft ass man. I talk back and I don't listen. Mug

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Having a vagina doesn't stop me from believing that my balls are bigger than yours. Mug

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This is as fucking festive as I get. Mug


I have a “WTF is wrong with people” moment at least five times a day. Mug


A poem about winter. It's cold. I hate this shit. The end. Mug


Shut the fuck up... Mug


My boobs are big because I keep all my rage stored there. Mug

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Coffee. Because fuck this fucking shit. Mug


Sorry I don't speak cuntanese. Mug

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I'm like heaven on earth, a H.O.E if you will. Mug

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Grant me the serenity to... Mug
